My Thoughts Exactly

Monday, July 17, 2006

Happiest Days

I might as well conclude this whole trilogy which was not meant to be one but somehow became one by saying that all is now well with regard to my previous entries. Not that its all perfect... which brings me to my title, happiest days. I decided to somewhat honor my happiest days by giving them a portion of this blog to quietly commemorate those events and thank God for giving me those particular days as answers to my prayer. I may not remember exact dates but i will try for the sake of validation...

1. september 1996- my Days with the Lord experience.

2. july 1997- the weekend I served as rector for Batch 38 of Days with the Lord.

3. march 23, 2002- graduation from ateneo- with honors!! (considering I was never an honor student in ica and had to even take summer classes at one time for flunking math for one whole year)

4. january 7, 2003- beijing, china. enough said.

5. july 2003- when the business i put together started its operations.

6. october 21, 2004- my parents' silver wedding anniversary, because love was so present in my family that day.

7. december 11, 2004- graduation from AIM (because of the sweat, tears and panic I put into writing my business plan which I thought would never end)

8. july 2, 2005- because i saw my best friend joy (after four or five years of not having seen each other)

9. today, tomorrow and the rest of my life- because I believe that every day should be lived as if it were my last, and I'd always like to remember previous days as my happiest days.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy-er days

After rereading my entry yesterday, I realized how vague and lost I sounded and how it may sound to people who read it. To quell any notions that my lovelife is in disarray, I'm happy to report that yours truly and her beloved are quite fine at the moment, actually, very fine if I must say. The object of my profound sadness yesterday and the past weekend was actually one of my parents, thus sending me to such states of uncertainty and melancholy.

Nonetheless, I have got to move on. After all apologies have been made, I suppose what is left for me to do is basically to just try and be a better daughter in the future and hope that does it. Nothing will come out of my obsessive observations and heavy feelings of dread and some sort of loss.

As a wise and more experienced person told me- this is only temporary.

Here's to happy-er days to come...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy days??

Having someone give you the cold shoulder is one of the heaviest feelings you can have. Especially if they are people close to you- like your family, relatives, friends and loved ones. Its like you suddenly feel like the world is crushing you with its heaviness and you are unable to focus on things..

One of the things I must learn is to do is to move on. It's more practical to do so, lest time gets wasted, emotions and even health at some point.

But taking the first step is hard.