My Thoughts Exactly

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

On Death and Dying

If there is anything that frightens me and shakes me up the most- it is the thought of death. Not mine- for I know that if God were to take me now, I would not protest or fear it. What really gets me worked up and disturbed is when I think of losing people I love to death. My grandparents (I still have 4 healthy ones- I'm very fortunate for that and am thankful.), my parents, siblings, relatives, friends etc etc. The thought makes my eyes well up and my heart turns heavy with grief...

That's why when I heard about my friend's dad dying yesterday, I am overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness and true loss for her. I used to be good friends with her in high school but we drifted apart come college and post-college. It came as a surprise to me therefore, that her dad and my dad were friends. Let us pray for the soul of Mr. Philip Co- that he may rest in the dwelling place of our Saviour in Heaven. Let us also pray for his family- for my friend Lesley "Lele" Co, and ask God to continue to guide their path throughout these difficult times.

Monday, March 13, 2006

On Leading

One of the great pains of having people work for you is that like a parent with children, you will have to make sure that they have the basic necessities- such as training, a good working environment, a good culture in the company, benefits and the likes.

As a leader, it pains you when your team is divided. It makes you feel as if you haven't done enough. It makes you feel angry when you see that divisions are caused by petty instances which could have been avoided in many ways.

But as with all things, enough is enough.

There is a point in time when man's patience reaches a breaking point- and that point may serve as an eyeopener not only to the witnesses, but also to the person itself.

I know that pretty much everything in my life has been handed to me in a silver platter. And I know that perhaps a part of me is still in a maturing process, yet I discover newer and newer things about myself and the world through my little experiences.

And as I keep traversing on this journey, I pray for understanding, for patience, and for wisdom in discernment.